lehreonline.net - Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hoinkes

Anxiety Culture

The ACP research project integrates ongoing scientific work on Anxiety Culture. The thematic mix explores from different perspectives how general feelings of uncertainty in societies might turn into measurable manifestations of anxiety. These phenomena can reveal social, economic and political behaviours of citizens and influence their decisions.


Worum geht es im ACP? - Ein Beitrag des SH-Magazins


-The Anxiety Culture Project is externally funded. Interdisciplinarity and internationality are characteristic of the working mode.

-The results of the transatlantic dialogue between the founding partners - Kiel University (Germany) and Columbia University, New York (United State), as well as other involved universities and scientific partners are used in political decision-making processes. In addition, the scientific findings are incorporated into the future curricula of educational institutions. Stakeholders in civil society are also given information through the ACP´s outreach management.

-By the end of the year of 2022, the governance, the research strategy, the third-party funding milestones and the work with and the engagement for young scientists will be drafted and defined.


Für weitere Informationen rund um das ACP konsultieren Sie die Website des Forschungsprojektes unter Anxiety Culture.