lehreonline.net - Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hoinkes

Anna Krontal

Reader comments or blogs or any other digital communication mostly appeal because of their linking connection between the public and private voice. Therefore, they are particularly rewarding as an object of critical discourse analysis, offering an opportunity to take a closer look at the relationships between society and discursive research.

The purpose of this work is to apply an analytical tool of critical online discourse analysis to a socially problematic area - namely the topic "Refugees and violence in Italy," to see how users comments create an atmosphere of problematic social discourse.

For this purpose, the contents of this work will focus on two different approaches: on the one hand, a deliberately selected textual corpus, which consists of different articles and blogs from the online newspaper The Huffington Post Italia. Second, the reader comments are examined and placed in conversation with societal moods and tensions regarding this theme. The main attention is paid to the fears and threats.

This concludes with a summary and some on the results of this study concerning options for changing the designs of such comment forums, and other proposals on how to deal with this problem in society, focusing especially on educational institutions to achieve a decrease of such fears.